
A lil cherished moment

I was a small kid when this happened. I remember catching it on a B&w tv set and Rakesh's reply made me have goosebumps all over. It still does. Its just a small reminder that India is wow after all. Inspite of the naxals, the road rage, the under-construction forever sites, the fraud and the corruption. We have it in ourselves to excel if only if we find the will to.


(This was in the drafts section and I just discovered it. It brought such happy memories that I just had to share!!!) I had a very happy and contented birthday this year. (It was in April...but lets not bicker about small things like dates shall we?) Before you leap to conclusions let me tell you that there was no expensive gift or huge party. It was just a very family affair which felt warm, loving and very, very comforting. Let me take you through a few of the good things {that can be spoken about ;) } A room full of red balloons – Moms attempt at making me feel ‘not so old really’. A cake baked to perfection with my favorite ingredients coffee and chocolate chips!!! Loads of new clothes and two new pair of shoes yippppppppppppeeeeeeeeesssssss!!! And a laptop stand with dancing lights and three small fans...never knew something like this existed till I got this gift. Had lunch with two of the cutest people I know...they do make me lose my cool at times but nothing

This one is for Mixed Brew and all those who may have visited to find nothing new here

Hi!! thanks for visiting. Am touched that you remember my blog when I have almost forgotten it. No actually that's not true I do remember it, miss it even but life has been such a mad rush this past month that I just haven't had the time to update the blog. What with appraisal time at work, a huge workload, whitewash at home and the office shifting to a new location you can understand how very difficult it can be. And then during this time Durga Puja also happened. Now as you all know or would have guessed I am bong (bengali) therefore Durga Puja is when we are allowed nay expected to go mad with house cleaning, shopping, pandal hopping, relation visiting etc etc. So apart from the chores from para 2 I also had to do the ones in para 3. :) I am hoping to be able to share the pics from some of the Pujo's I visited real soon. But as explained time is at a premium at the moment so please be satisfied with this short post at the moment. Hoping to see you guys around... Oh, don&

Eight and a half

Eight and a Half people set off from Delhi for Amritsar to see the Golden Temple and the much hyped Wagah border over a weekend. Now that sure doesn’t sound like a big deal until you realise that most of these people have never met before and the only common link they have apart from their mother tongue ‘Bangla’ is a gutsy woman living far away in Ludhiana who happens to be a common friend called Mampi . Let me like a good Jane Austen novel start with giving some details of all these people. Sumanto – the one we also at times call Ghumanto cause his love for procrastination is equalled by none (this is by his own admission). Old ex-colleague of Mampi when she lived and reigned…sorry worked in Delhi. Sulagna – Sumanto’s better half – she has a job profile that keeps her involved at all hours of the day and even when she is on holiday. But then I suspect she makes an awesome amount of moolah which sort of makes up for it. ;) Jhinuk – their 8 year old daughter, with an amazing IQ and qu


Hey Guys!! A long weekend beckons...feels wonderful doesnt it? I am off to see these sites: Do share what you do too, will look forward to hearing from you guys :)

Mayawati of UP

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkkkkks!!!! Thats all they inspire. eeks for the taste eeks for the waste eeks for the state! Hope you do notice the caricature of the National emblem using her election sign the elephant. Isn't this supposed to be punishable by law? If wearing a flag dress is then this should be, me thinks.

The Saga of the Annual Bath

Goldie is all of 14 years old. he is beginning to check out girls. even older ones. He probably doesn't know why he does it but he does it anyways. He is studying (that is he is being made to study) in class 8th. Whenever he can he plays truant from school but this has no bearing on his dreams. Dreams in which he sees himself as a very successful guy with an awesome bike and a big car. He wants to be someone important, how exactly he will do it, he is still figuring out. At the moment the big fight is to be able to get his peers to acknowledge him as worthy of their respect. This respect means a lot to Goldie. For that he has taken upon himself a very arduous task. Along with some neighbors he has set upon a journey to go collect water from the Holy Ganges in Haridwar and bring it back to his neighborhood Shiva temple. Where the water would be used to do a jalavishek of the Lingam. Now this doesn’t sound very difficult till you realize that he lives in Delhi and the return journey