
Trying to let go...

Life has been tough for the past month or so. Multiple problems at different fronts have left me groping for that extra ounce of strength and patience to carry on. At times the urge to cry uncontrollably is too much and only the thought of losing my sanity if I let circumstances get the better of me, stops me from doing it. I have not been in the mood to write though each event could have been fodder enough for more than one post. Yet somehow the will to write was missing. Also the fact that the events involved many others who may not appreciate being discussed on my blog held me back. I am back and using this small post as a bulwark against the emotions that still threaten to take over and am planning to come back next week with another post on things less dreary that can be shared in this forum. I do note that in the time I have been away the numbers who ostensibly followed this blog have gone down, I do understand that in today’s world of instant gratification they would have expect

Pines & Snow

I have been writing about my trips on this blog regularly under the label footprints . So much so that part of the excitement of going on a trip now seems to be the recounting of it once back on the blog for friends. The trip this time was no different, since right from the beginning I kept filing away details in my mind and clicking pictures all with the view that it would get space on the blog. However since my travel mate Mampi is already writing about the exact activities of the trip in great detail I am not going to repeat it. You can visit her blog for details. Let me therefore share with you some snippets and photographs. It was Dalhousie that we went to this time. Famously nicknamed " dull & lousy " by the boisterous crowds, the place is a military cantonment and a quaint little town that was set up just 150 years ago. We arrived there in high spirits, the thrill of having escaped the mundane hectic lives we normally lead giving all of us extra broad smiles. A

Learning’s at 31

Life began as a multi-hued carnival of sight, sound, laughter and sometimes tears for a favorite doll lost or a toe hurt. It grew into something very black & white as teenage approached. Everything was seen through the grave lenses of ideology that was grafted and then crafted from the many books, films, snatches of conversations and bits of life experiences one went through. The twenties brought with them financial independence and the dawning of the fact that life was more than black& white. Also more importantly the fact that what was black to me was quite fair in the world’s view and what was pristine white to me was seen as dirty and abhor-able by the world. Now standing inside the gateway of thirties having dealt with bereavement, public ignominy, loss and the breaking of dreams and aspirations I understand that life is neither black nor white nor is it multi-colored, its infact just a grey. A grey that turns, swirls and moves like the early morning fog. At times it break

New Year Wish List

This is my wishlist. Do share yours too!!! Have a brilliant year ahead and may peace reign on earth!!!

Our Weekend: Filled with love and …..chaos??

All this while we thought of ourselves as sorry people who didn’t have enough friends who cared for us enough to want to meet up. We just got to know how popular we are (and are still reeling under the effect of the revelation.) Here, let me sketch the scenario for you: Last Saturday we hosted a party for friends. We had about twenty five people come after inviting roughly thirty so we are counting it as a great turn out keeping in mind the God forsaken corner of the city we reside in. It was supposed to be a barbeque party……the party did happen however the barbeque refused to light properly inspite of the fact (or was it because of) that nearly everyone present had a go at it. Anyways thanks to helpful hands we managed to salvage the situation and everyone said they had a good time (but then do they ever say otherwise) apart from a few who came too late and departed too early. Here is a pic of the flowers they brought us. Aren't they pretty? So net net we had a happy Saturday….fol

Hat trick + 1 + 1

It must be the season I keep getting awards. This one is from Indian Home maker and I think it says it all.....thanks IHM. This is from Iya ...... This one from Mampi (and also Nimmy infact she gave it before Mampi I somehow missed receiving it.) This is from Mithe... I am honoured guys....thanks for remembering me on your blogs. I feel guilty if I pass on the award to only a few. So all of you whose blog I frequent please know that these and more awards are coming your way from me. And then wouldn't you all agree that a regular reader is the biggest award of all? Well thats what I try to be on your blogs.... so there :)

Goa for the Old

My mom and her cousin and his wife just went on a trip to Bombay and Goa. (yes, Bombay thats how they think of it inspite of all the hype about Mumbai). We joked that they are too old to enjoy those places and they are meant for the young and adventurous. The mocking continued till I saw the pictures. Then I stopped. (Mom on the mini rail near elephanta Caves) (Mom and Mammi on Ferry) (Mom collecting sea shells on Juhu beach) Mom seems to have had more fun than me :( Am sharing some here for you guys...just so you know that age is completetly in the head and my mom refuses to step over 40 whatever it takes. Am hoping she stays that way. (Mom and Co. dancing away at Goa)