Learning’s at 31

Life began as a multi-hued carnival of sight, sound, laughter and sometimes tears for a favorite doll lost or a toe hurt.

It grew into something very black & white as teenage approached. Everything was seen through the grave lenses of ideology that was grafted and then crafted from the many books, films, snatches of conversations and bits of life experiences one went through.

The twenties brought with them financial independence and the dawning of the fact that life was more than black& white. Also more importantly the fact that what was black to me was quite fair in the world’s view and what was pristine white to me was seen as dirty and abhor-able by the world.

Now standing inside the gateway of thirties having dealt with bereavement, public ignominy, loss and the breaking of dreams and aspirations I understand that life is neither black nor white nor is it multi-colored, its infact just a grey. A grey that turns, swirls and moves like the early morning fog. At times it breaks open and shows you a glimpse of what could be what should be and then it moves, comes back again to cover everything else and leaves you guessing about what lies ahead.

You step cautiously holding onto whatever comes in sight and thus life teaches you many things. Some of the lessons I have learnt I am mentioning below, will wait to hear from you guys what your life lessons have been.

Blood is thicker than water: In the final countdown it’s the support of your family that you can really count on everyone else deserts lovers, friends, and well-wishers. Having said that I will also say that I am lucky to have such a family, the news is too often filled with families which disown their own for flimsy excuses of pride and tradition.

Love all you want to love, don’t expect it to be returned: Loving someone is in our hand expecting reciprocation is not. Indeed it’s foolish to even have such expectations. If you get it you are very lucky. And one more thing even if you do get it don’t ever imagine it will be ‘your kind of love’ it will be an entirely different hue. For you own sanity you must accept it for what it is and not try to modify it.

Follow your own dreams they are really the only thing that are your own: if you really believe in something, go ahead and do it. But do ensure you have the courage and conviction to follow it till the very end. My dad used to say that sometimes it’s easier to seek forgiveness than permission. You life is your own; therefore choices of education, career, life partner and children must be made by you.


Anonymous said…
Really a great post Pinku..It touched my heart...

Blood is thicker than water --I agree

Love all you want to love, don’t expect it to be returned--So true yaar..But it really hurts not to be loved or it is indeed painful to be in a relationship where love is not reciprocated :(

Follow your own dreams they are really the only thing that are your own--???/ I don't know..How practical it is..Yeah,i know one should strive to amke one's dreams come true..But i have not been able to chase my dreams..But i am happy with what i have..

again,great post Pinku :)

Good day

i am what i am said…
well nothing teaches you better than life itself. i have always followed one dictum in life do your own thing. the biggest lesson that life has taught me is not to regret anything that has happened to me. It has taught me to run my own life with dignity pride and courage without felling any remorse.
I agree. I have also realised apart from some very close friends, it's generally your family that stands by you, and that to very close family.

And I totally believe in following your dream, we have done that and have no reason to regret ...

But I would not want to waste my love on someone who does not reciprocate... I would say keep distance from any such objects of affection :)
June Saville said…
Hi Pinku
Yes yes - family members can be pains but in the end they are our core - if we are lucky.
Unhappily, I have not experienced deep and lasting love and trust, but I know it's around. I say don't give up - but we must be a little warey until trust is truly established.
Yep, follow our dreams, but listen to others on the way.
June in Oz
Pinku said…
Nimmy...glad I could touch you somewhere... following dreams is never about praciticality...its about the belief that you are worth it and more.

I am sorry to hear you couldnt follow your dreams... is it too late or could you give it one more try?

I am what i am: thats exactly what I expected to hear from you, no less.

IHM: thanks for your comment. i am not saying that we ought to love someone who doesnt reciprocrate but then dil hai ki manta nahin happens and we end up doing such foolishness at times.

June: agree with you trust needs time to establish and heeding others is never bad but we must not start living only by what others say. I am saying this because in my part of the world the life of a girl is often guided by others, seldom by her own decisions.
blood is thicker than water
nice post.
i always wonder, when i ll be able to write posts of wisdom.
Ramya Ramadurai said…
hey girl. happy birthday, i think. :)

i suppose those of us who do have the love of their dreams are truly lucky. :)
Life isn't all grey I suppose, it is more black and grey. And each one of us have our own ideas about what what is right and what is not.
Family, love and dreams.....life itself revolves around these. We shift them around weighing each against the other striving for that perfect balance.
EXSENO said…
O.K. here are my answers.

Blood is thicker than water.
Not always.

Love all you want to love, don't expect it to be returned.
I disagree, I was lucky enough to have the most beautiful love affair with my husband and the flame never went out tell the day he died.

Follow your own dreams they are really the only thing that are your own.
I agree, My biggest regret is that I didn't do that and now I am old and still setting my dreams aside because there still is no time for me to have "Me Time", I am to busy helping family members and raising a grandson while my daughter pursues her dreams.
Pinku said…
hey Sailor, soon you will write intense posts on wisdom...soon...just u wait ;)

Galadriel...birthday is still a few months away...thanks for the wishes anyways.Love of our dreams...thats really found by the super lucky...commoners like us must keep searching for the ellusive butterfly.

Sujoy...so true we all have our own point of views and sadly expect everyone else to drop theirs and convert to ours. Thats where all the problems crop up.

Exseno...I know blood is not thicker than water always. As an Indian girl i know that only too well...but in my case it has been and am truly lucky for that.
U have been really lucky to have such a beautiful time with your husband...that you are continuing to look after the family while your daughter pursues her dreams shows what a wonderful soul you are. God bless!!!
soulbrush said…
i am so glad you cam to visit my blog. you are a deep and sensitive person and these lessons are hard to learn, but i feel you will be happy whatever you do. hugs.
Mampi said…
I am late to your blogpost. My apologies, was not feeling up to the blogmark so i didnt dare come over.
Loved this post, practially agree with most of the points you made. I am officially in the mid thirties now, so I know what you mean by the grey in life. However, I feel, you have had to handle more pain than me in life. So, I would value your opinion possibly more than mine own.
I disagree on the "Blood is thicker than water" part. Thick is what you make, be it friendship or relationship. Blood relation has got nothing to do with closeness. Most of the times, you can fall back on the support of your friends but not on your relations.
Though I personally depend on family and am proud to be so. But friends and their help is always much more important to me.
Anonymous said…
mahesh quoted you today ... and i was like i've read it on pinku's blog. thought i'd come tell u that heh ... he quoted the 'dreams' one ... bohut achha likha :)))
Anonymous said…
The twenties brought with them financial independence and the dawning of the fact that life was more than black& white. Also more importantly the fact that what was black to me was quite fair in the world’s view and what was pristine white to me was seen as dirty and abhor-able by the world.

What perception Pinku!really really touched my heart-these lines are so so true. You know my mom said the same thing a few days back!(probably thats why my eyes leaped to these lines very very fast-lolzzz)

After seeing your post, all I can say is- what a lot I still have to learn-*sigh*.I will remember you when I have learnt all that myself(truely)
Thanks for following me by the way:))
Unknown said…
The third and the last lesson was worth it.I will like to remember it and use it more often. Well written !
AVIANA said…
Hey Chica!

Yes, following your dreams...they are the only thing you own...

my gosh that rings such a bell within me..

the hardest if loving and not expecting anythingin return..that is just so hard at times...because you love them so much you think them loving you is the natural return...

by the way...i did the big reveal...

Anonymous said…
superb post Pinku..

It touched my heart...

family is always there...during ur lows n highs

if ppl who u love dont reciprocate than it hurts ,its the most worst feeling i guess

following the dreams is must for everyone, is what i say :-)
sukumbho said…
What about other colors of life - youthful yellow, pink blushes, nature's green, sunrise orange, sunset red ...

Well, about life's lessons learnt:

Life's a rainbow. Take out ur brush, mix n match and make ur own palette.
Life's a classroom - learn always.
Dont lean on the past too much - not of good use.
Dont blame others, prepare urself.
Cherish relationships yet realize ultimately everyone stands alone.
Be truthful most of times. Tell lies when it's for greater good.
Friends are forever, some are not. Wish them the best, make new ones.
Enjoy the variety, accept differences of opinions, ideals.
Be positive. Be happy. Keep others around happy. Smile.
You may not fulfil your dreams in 100 years. But walk on the road with positive steps and no regrets.
Hey Im kinda goin thru the black and white phase but I guess Im fast moving away from it into some unknown phase.
Blood being thicker-sure I can vouch for that.
Follow your dreams- yeah I'm trying hard to hold on despite everything coz thats the real me.
Nice post.
Balvinder Balli said…
Pinku, did i feel a bit of sadness in your post. Well at thirty one you dont feel the fog as opaque object beyond which you can't see any thing. Fog is momentary and dissipates with rise in the warmth of your spirits and you see the spectrum of the colourful world beyond. And yes i agree with your feelings about Love, Blood and Your Dreams as your own.
Manish Raj said…
Hi Pinku

Hope everything is/gets well at your end.

Like you I've also learnt several lessons..and learning continues !

1. Sometimes family too will not believe in you. Count only on yourself.

2. Love happens. You can not decide to start or stop loving. Love is rarely reciprocated; and that never with same intensity or kind.

3. I guess you know my opinion on the point about following the dreams. I too wrote about this last november in blog - catch another butterfly.

The only message I have is, spend remaining two-third of your life on what you've learnt so far.

Best Wishes
Jagjit said…
Thanks Pinku. Your suggestions are real. They seem firsthand from someone who has been through it all and is honest, and is willing to share and help. May God grant you all your dearest wishes...
Pinku said…
soulbrush...your blog is a pleasure..and if I am able to be even half of what you think I am..i will be superglad.

hey Mampi...its so good to see you back on the (blog) roll. :)

I agree that family doesnt always stand by but when it does its the most beautiful thing isnt it?

Thanks for valuing my opinion so much.

Hey roop I am actually being quoted...wow!!!! thanks for the info yaar...will thank Mahesh soon in person.

Mithe...am I sounding like you Mom??? gosh!!! so soon... :(

Guess some truths are ageless afterall.
Pinku said…
hey Mahesh....thanks for the visit...and yes dreams ar all that i own...

Aviana....best of luck...you are living my learning...following your dreams..God bless.

Hey BG...thanks for the visit and concurring...

Sukumbho...lovely lessons..thank u so much..
Pinku said…
Akshaya...best of luck...this moving away from one phase to another is a must have of life...enjoy and learn from it...

balvinder...sadness?? perhaps...wisdom got through pain...definetly.

Hey Manish...thanks am trying very hard to do just that.

Hey jagjit..thank you so much...I wish the very best for u too..
Unknown said…
Today I came to read the same lines. I feel good reading the post again. I wish to add that I fully agree with Mampi on her views(about blood..)
Anonymous said…
Nice post there! Follow you dreams, it has to be! Nice way to put it too...
How do we know said…
Loved, loved , loved your post. I read Tolstoy's "The Death of Ivan Illyich" and suddenly, i was 70 again. My whole perspective on life changed after that thin book. I now think, before everything " will this matter to me at my deathbed?" You know the only time the answer has ALWAYS been yes? WHen its about giving love to anyone. I have found that i will never regret sending out love into the world. I will ALWAYS regret my harsh words, my cruel thoughts, and my impatience..
Read that book Pinku, its a good book to read when you are 31. :-) I am 31 too.
Preeti said…
I wish there be some colors in life ...I would say my life has been a rainbow ..different color after a while ...black and white and greys as well ..

Blood is thicker ... true in my case as well .. I am blessed to have a family that stand by me and my different approach towards life ..a family that dont interfere but is always there ...rare deed in an a middle class indian family ..

Love all ..... agree again , we cannot expect everyone to love back ( though i have been lucky to get love from all i love )also I feel said that I cannot love all who have loved me ... sometimes all I cud offer is friendship ... but whatever it is ..its honest and true ..

follow your dreams ... I cannot agree more on the fact that its your life and you and you alone have all the rights to choose your career , spouse , lovers , friends , children .... I hate when whoole world make it their own bizz to do things for you ...

hugs !!

p.s paint your life in all colors if all it offers is grey ..
Meow said…
Hey Pinku,

The biggest lesson in life definitely is that blood is indeed thicker than water & family is the only solace when every body else abandons you, tried & tested :)

Also, I completely agree that one must love without expecting anything in return cos whenever expectations arise, the next logical step is hurt & pain & so we must save ourselves that :)

There are so many such lessons that we learn on a daily basis. I try & blog them as when I feel like. I am glad to read yours.

Blessed Be,
rayshma said…
i come here after SO many days... and this space still makes me think and wonder.

i don't agree abt blood being thicker than water though. i have a few friends who'd be there for me even when i know some of my family may not be. maybe it's an exception with me. :)

i've learned to pick my battles wisely.
also, have realized that sometimes winning isn't everything! :)

hope u have a wonderful 2009, pinku. u deserve it! :)
Anonymous said…
love all you want.. check
follow your dream.. check
blood is thicker than water.. mm check
almost at the gateway of thirty, i think life needs a getaway :D
wonderful post!
Balvinder Balli said…
(i had psoted this invitation yesterday as well. Posting it again just to doubly ensure).

On the eve of the Republic Day of our country, i take this opportunity to present this award to my blogger friends who have made a difference by writing their frank opinions in their blogs as well, as in the comment columns of other blogs. These bloggers have not written any sensational or luscious stories to attract traffic to their blogs, but they have put down in prose as well, as verse, whatever they have felt strongly about, may it be about their personal lives or about a burning issue of the society. The sole purpose of their writing has been to make a difference. I wish that their ideas may fructify and bring a change in the society for better. I salute them all.

Pinku, please come and collect your award from my blog.
Anonymous said…
Hey honey..Where have you been??Busy kya???Do keep updating..

Good day
yes. indeed it is grey. sometimes lighter tinged sometimes dark. and just bleary and fuzzy most of the times. very nicely written.
Anonymous said…
Please take your award :)
Mama - Mia said…

some trueth has defi been learnt by you pinku!

though i guess i do disagree about just the grey bit. in my case i realised there is LASO a grey apart from so many other colours! :)


your post is interesting and I'm now getting interest to read your write-ups. These three things what you wrote actually resides on the peripheries of Human mind. What I believe is to stick to an ideal, whatever that is... there are problems coming in front of that ideal, there are success, happiness, sorrow, everything will be encountered by us while sticking to our ideal. May be that ideal won't fetch any of worldly nonsense but ultimately sticking to one ideal will clear the confusion and that confusion is the root cause of all misery.

I don't want to comment on love as i believe there is nothing called love between two physical bodies. Love for love's sake nothing more than that.

I disagree with the point of blood is thicker than water.

Overall I like the write-up and i hope you to continue with your brainstorming.
Pinku said…
Shubhajit....my ideal in life is 'to each his own'...you may not believe in what i do....but we bothe have the right to co-exist together.

This is the ideal that helps me survive and to some degree thrive in these unforgiving times.

Thanks for your visit...will love to hear what you have to say about my other posts too. Keep coming.

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