Maine Aam Aadmi Nahin Hoon

Delhi and almost the whole TV watching, Facebooking nation is in the throes of a debate around the Aam Aadmi Party. Whether for or against it doesn't matter. Atleast for a change cricket, Bollywood and the neighbour's daughter/son has been forgotten as we congregate to discuss the latest news on Kejriwal, Bharti and Birla. 

In the given atmosphere the fact is that I am again and again getting over excited and asking people questions they feel are silly, too bookish and not in tune with the day or time at all.

All this made me do a self analysis and figure out why I couldnt think like the majority of my country men and be able to ignore the crass, illegal behaviour and manners of the self styled leaders of the 'common man'.

I finally arrived at the conclusion that I AM NOT A COMMON MAN.

let me tell you how:

1) I dont try to save on taxes and am quite proud of my ability to pay a certain amount of tax as I feel it will somewhere help my country progress

2) I dont overtake from the left and dont unnecessarily honk and abuse while driving on the roads

3) I dont use abusive language as a rule not that I am not aware of the same. Having worked for 14 years in advertising, if there is one thing I have learnt its abuse and some very colorful renditions of the same as well. 

4) I dont spit on the road. In fact I dont litter. For this very reason my car at times piles up with empty packets while I look for a dustbin.

5) I dont have a public and private face. What I condemn in public I condemn in private as well. So I dont abuse the West in public while secretly pining to visit it.

And the biggest fault
6) I still believe in the constitution of India and my vision of India is as envisaged in its preamble. Its not a narrow vision where me and mine will survive and prosper and the rest shall look at us for benevolence. I believe the greatness of India lies in the dream of equality, justice, liberty for all (and also those who choose to settle here) and fraternity amongst all those who live in this beautiful country.

I know these are not common mistakes that can be ignored. These are grave ailments. Hence my believe that Maine AAM AADMI (AURAT) NAHI HOON.

(Thank God.)


Lavanya said…
Well said... :-)

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