Someone gave Peace a Chance

Indian Home Maker (by the way never saw anyone question her for saying Indian…have seen many question another blogger for daring to call himself an Indian Muslim) awarded me this for writing on Peace…she was referring to the My God strongest post.

Rayshma too deemed me worthy of an award and I humbly accept the same.
Being a million dollar friend feels very good (though the financial condition am in am almost tempted to trade in the award for the cash). But I wont cause her friendship is very important to me too.

How am I too go ahead? The protocol I believe is to pass on the awards to a few others, but I will desist. I consider all those who visit my blog as precious and I will not be partial by mentioning a few. So I dedicate the Million Dollar Friend award to Peace, the best friend any of us can have.


Solitaire said…

Your last few lines tell me that you are very humble. :)
Keshi said…
Congrattz n TY too! :)

Yes we do need to remember that there can be no better friend than Peace:)
Your comments on various blogs recently really cheered me too, it was great to see a fellow Indian citizen who was still speaking of Peace and Tolerance in these intolerant bigoted times. Congrats, you deserve the awards :)
Parry said…
Amen to that. The temptation to trade-in everything for cash is amusing and a trifle tragic. It seems we are commodifying everything: let's leave out a few things if we can. After all, we are not Big B and Cocky B that we have to apologise in order that our films may run in Mumbhai and Shivsenarashtra
Salil said…
Congratulations on your awards!
Anonymous said…
oh you're active here? After such long hiatus from treshold, i thought you had chucked blogging..
Pinku said…
Hemanth, Keshi, Solitaire...thanks a ton.

IHM...thank you so much...all we can do is put in a word for peace and tolerance...and hope for the best. Thats what you and me are doing. Lets carry on with the good work. wasnt a temptation, just a passing thought. allow a fellow human being a few weak moments please. :)

salil...bowing down....

Hey Lash...great to see you here....yes this blog gets updates much more...Threshold...happens only when inspiration strikes and the story unfolds in my head.
Mampi said…
Yaar how come i missed this post?
congrats and you wrote very well,
I couldnt agree less with trading the million dollars in cash, hehehe.
that reminds me
even i have to do this post

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