Mourning the lost days...

Young boys in their early twenties, they came from regular middle class families. Like thousand others they were in the capital city looking for a better education which could lead to a brighter future.

They were shot down or arrested one morning, the reason:
They were the terrorists who worked under the banner of Indian Mujaheedin.

I am not debating whether it was a fake encounter set up by the Police to save face or not. I am also not debating whether they were targeted because of their religion.
What I am wondering about is this:
How come people who come from regular families, have a decent upbringing and education are turning to such hard line stances?

And mind you I am not looking at just one community. I am looking at everyone, minority, majority and across language and state barriers.

When we were in school, someone being a Christian meant that you visited them during Christmas , said ‘Merry christmas’ and had the yummy cakes. And during Ramzaan you asked your Muslim friends every single day when Id would come so that you didn’t miss out on the feast and phirni.
When did we turn hardcore?
I remember a time when even in the most traditional homes friends of the other faith were welcomed, though the utensils used to serve them were kept separate and wonder of wonders they didn’t mind. Each understood the compulsions and restrictions of the others faith and respected it.
We lived and let others live as well.
How did these times of ghettoes for different communities come? I have seen them for myself when in Bombay I couldn’t buy eggs a mile around my house only because it was dominated by Marwaris and Gujaratis around. Even now in my NCR locality the shop keepers don’t stock chicken maggi because of the big Jain populace around.

When did schools which cater to all on paper but pander to a particular in reality come up? My niece told me of how a classmate who belonged to a different religion was taunted by even the teachers and had to finally leave the school.

When did the sight of a group of men in saffron or in skull caps start to mean uneasy thoughts?

First it was an ancient Masjid now churches, more than a century old are being attacked and destroyed. Are we then any less than the Taliban which had destroyed the Bamiyan Buddhas?

How did we let so much intolerance creep in?
India they say is on its way to becoming a superpower. Indians they say are poised to take on the world. Our economy is booming. Education levels are at an all time high. It all looks good from above but look at the roots, they are rotting.


Mampi said…
Yes, isnt it a facade we are putting up? We, as a young generation should have learnt from the past and changed the realities...And fed on hatred, we went the old way? WWW is supposed to be a connecting factor, the whole world is claimed to be a global village, but the most venom is spitted out in chat rooms, why? I have never been able to understand it.
Guess I am adding more questions to your questions.
BTW I have two Muslim boys in my class, and I am proud of my class that is never partial against them. They are just two classmates to them, thats it. I wish it remains that way.
~Hemanth~ said…
"How come people who come from regular families, have a decent upbringing and education are turning to such hard line stances?"

Our society is based on division of classes. Be it social or economic, we the people of India, are taught to respect that division. How much ever, we think of ourselves as global citizens; some how, we have not been able to break these shackles. Why? That is something that beats me as well.

Now, modern India only seems to recognize two categories: the winner and the victim. The first becomes a celebrity, an instant hit; the latter wallows, effectively, in the swamp of collective despair forever. No one cares for the later, even if they look like they do; it is only temporary. As far as the government is concerned, this institution still being run according to archaic EastIndia rules has by and large remained right wing. All they have done, over the last 61 years is create a falsified comfort zone for the victim. It is called reservations. Muslim youth have been denied this false comfort as well, which is good but, they do feel victimized because they aren't given;at leat this false hope. Some of them are being drawn towards extremist ideas by a growing sense of victimization. This is most evident among the young, not unnaturally as they are the ones who feel the humiliation of discrimination in jobs most keenly.

And this applies not only to the muslim youth but, to all the youth in this country that is deprived of its legal rights.
Pinku said…
God bless your class Mampi...we need more of these around.

Dont be sorry about adding your questions to mine...the way to finding a solution is to begin by questioning the norms.
Parry said…
Yes, I agree we have more hardline than before. in order to be true to our faith we are increasingly becoming intolerant.Even the Soviets or Yugoslavs couldnt hold on to their multifaith societies. Are we too headed the same way?
Anonymous said…
I can elate a lot to your thoughts.In fact i ask these qstns myself..
I guess it is bcoz,today's generation is very less informed spiritually,even about the faith they belong to..So it is easy for fanatics to brainwash them and take them for a ride..Sad..
It is our responsibility to inform people around us RIGHTLY..Running away from God or becoming an atheist is not the solution..Thatz escapism..Confront it and defeat it and live in harmony..'re so right tollerance is totally missing in our 'secular' country. I guess the political history of the country..partition, devide and rule, etc is to blame. And currently vote bank politics by the political parties pretty much amounts to the same devide and rule policy.
But, I think its time the country starts taking a hard line against terrorists whether hindu, muslim or christian. And I donno how fake the encounter was considering a police officer also lost his life.
Oreen said…
forget going to someone's house, we buy (bought a robust one last year that I hope will last) Christmas trees every year . . . we have slept with stockings under our pillows, and so does my son, Aaron . . .

apparently the organizers of the Muhammad Ali Park Durga pujo in Kolkata are mostly Muslims. And they win a prize for the best or second best decoration every year.

Sallu bhai gets home a Ganesha idol for ten days.

in this century where religious festivals have become more cultural than religious and have opened their arms to people from other communities, the intolerance levels of people have increased as well.

if the governments could provide education and employment to all, do you think they would have had to invent religious divide to keep the youth occupied? it is all a nasty political game...

and yes, like we blame the Talibans for destroying the Bamiyans, we have our own Talibans at home . . . who started it all in 1992, exposing our lives thereafter to the dangers of terror...

there were always insurgencies, but geographically secluded ones. punjab, the naxal movement, etc. but nothing so pan india ever before...
Vinod_Sharma said…
Pinku, your despair comes from your heart. When that happens, only love flows, only love questions, only love despairs.

Unfortunately, though all religions speak of love, their practitioners who matter and motivate use the tool of hatred, of us vs them. That does not come from the heart...that is why you see around you all that is despairing and devoid of love.
Hi Pinku - Enjoyed reading your blog. Am blogrolling you.

Pinku This is such a sad post, I have also noticed this change. When we were young nobody noticed our religion. Religion is no longer a personal matter, it has become a political issue. It's people like us, who want to live peacefully, who can make a difference...
we are booming as an educated race and maybe as a financial superpower, true.
but that is not reaching everyone.
you and i and a like minded few are actually educated to think liberally.
people who indulge in acts of terror, may be learned but they don't have the right education. after all, education is what remains
after what has been learnt has evaporated
and hey, i am coming to delhi in november. will try to meet you if you are free
rayshma said…
sometimes i wonder too... how we've become like this.
even here... i see the desis STICKING to their communities. not all. but enough to make me uncomfortable.
i try telling ppl i am acquainted with that it's not right to judge another based on their caste or nationality. and then, i get labeled as a "firang"... someone who's indian but tries to be secular. like it's a bad thing!!
we've done away with a lot of acquaintances coz neither of us are accepted in their intolerant groups. so far, we don't care. we'd rather lose friends than sit with them and speak ill of another based solely on their "caste".
Preethi said…
How did these times of ghettoes for different communities come? When did schools which cater to all on paper but pander to a particular in reality come up? - I am shocked by these.. I dont have to deal with this everyday because I live away. My son hasnt the faintest clue about what religion he comes from. Although he goes to a church school here and is taught about Jesus I have not told him that it is a different religion.. let him look at Jesus as just another god.. we have plenty already! (I am Hindu).

I dread exposing my son to the differences and intolerance albeit by others! I dread to bring him up in a world filled with so many differences!! I am not sure how I will handle it when it becomes a reality in our life ... but for now I am using the tool of ignorance in his case.

I wrote a poem about this recently.. I think you will like it.. do read Is the world in wrong hands
Keshi said…
Great post Pinku! Some really thought-provoking points there.

**How come people who come from regular families, have a decent upbringing and education are turning to such hard line stances

I used to wonder abt it too. But then, lately I realised that a good family background, a decent upbringing and education dun always mean SENSES.

Look at Blogville for many so-called educated, decent ppl hv so much spite and intolerance against one another. So much of jealpusy and unhappiness. How then can we expect the average humanbeing to be SENSIBLE?

Alot of it comes from the INDIVIDUAL. The background doesnt matter at all. Cos even in the lowest of places, there r some very good ppl. Just like Lotuses grow in the mud...

Ships said…
A wonderful post....

I agree with Kesh above. Everything finally boils down to the INDIVIDUAL.

I personally know of elite families, highly educated and all that but still would frown at the mention of a non-brahmin bride as a prospect.

Its not just religious intolerance you see, but a mix of a whole lot of other things...

Its really really hard to find answers to the questions you posed. Least we can do is keep the individual within us untouched, un-tainted...
Pinku said…

I couldnt have put it better. You have correctly identified the problem. Now lets hunt for a solution and not wait for someone else to hand it to us.

pinknblu...i disagree its not to be true to our faith that these hardline stances are taken up...its to be accepted as a part of a group.

Nimmy you are so very right. Correct guidance is the need of the hour.
Pinku said…
Akshaya...I didnt say the encounter was fake. I said I dont want to debate it. And since u raised the point...may I just add that anything is possible in this murky world, including the Police killing one of their own inorder to make it look real. Especially someone who is much awarded and may have made enemies due to his honesty.

Oreen...sadly even inspite of education and oppurtunity young guys are going ashtray. Look the London blast guys or even the ones caught in Delhi...they are not the ones who didnt have enough oppurtunities.

Vinod...thanks for seeing my rant for what it is...wounded despairing love.

Corinne....welcome to my world...hope to see more of you. and thanks for blogrolling me.
Pinku said…
IHM....we have to actively do something about it. We have to take that first step...however small it must now begin with us. Lets stop waiting for any messiah and clean up the system ourselves.

Sailor...yes education is not reaching its true platform...its mere knowing the alphabets the dispelling darkness of the mind bit is missing.

Looking forward to connecting with you in person.

Rayshma....kudos to you and hubby for standing up for whats right.

Preethi...if we want our children to have a better tom...we will have to work towards it...Ur poem was touching. are so very right. Its upto the individual to set things right.

Ships...welcome to my are right its intolerance of all thats it religion, region, caste, language or gender.
How did we let so much intolerance creep in?
पिकूं भाई , आपको लगता है कि कभी भी हमारे मे धार्मिक सहनशीलता रही थी । न कभी रही और न कभी होगी । क्योंकि हम religion या धर्म के वास्तविक चरित्र को कभी पहचान ही न पाये । एक पुराना शेर है , " मजहब नही सिखाता आपस मे बैर रखना " सुनने मे बहुत अच्छा लगता है लेकिन सच क्या है । सच सिर्फ़ यह है कि हर मजहब सिर्फ़ होड सिखाता है , आगे रहने की होड । हर धर्म अपने आप को सबसे बडा और सर्वेश्रेषठ कहता है , और जाहिर है जब हम अपने को बडा मानेगे तो दूसरे को नीची दृष्टि से देखेगें । हिदूं , मुस्लिम , और भी अलग-२ धर्म के लोगों के अलग-२ तर्क हैं और अपने को और अपने खुदा को असली कहने के बहाने भी । यह होड सिर्फ़ एक मजहब के लोगों के दूसरे मजहब के लोगों के प्रति रही हो ऐसा भी नही है , जब एक सिर के नीचे रहते हैं तब भी लडते फ़िरते रहते हैं । यही कारण है कि पाकिस्तान इस्लामी राष्ट्र होने के बावजूद एक न रह पाया । और हमारे यहाँ हिदू भी अलग -२ जातियों मे लडते मरते रहे । मुस्लिमों मे शिया -सुन्नी के झगडे भी बिल्कुळ आम है ।
Pinku said…
Dr Tandon, thanks for your comment especially because its written in hindi. This is the first time i have received a comment in any language but english.

as for the point you have made about all religions teaching 'one upmanship' I think our definition of religion differs. To me religion is what is the true essence of whether the Gita, Koran or Bible. Religion is not what one Pundit, Maulvi or Priest decides to interpret it as.
I have read the Bible, spoken to people who read the Koran and Gita and nowhere i beleive does it say that one needs to show ones superiority over another. Infact all these books talk about peaceful coexistence and respect for the others view.
मानता हूँ कि आप की बात कुछ हद तक सही है लेकिन यह सिर books तक ही सीमित हैं , पोप और पादरियों की दूसरे धर्मों पर लालच भरी निगाहें, ऊलजूलूल बकने वाले हिदू मठाधीश , सिरफ़िरे मौलाना , काफ़िर और जेहाद की नयी -२ अवधारणायें मन को विचिलित करती रहती हैं । मेरा सिर्फ़ एक सवाल , हजारों साल से धर्म का चरित्र इतना अधिक खूनखाराबे वाला ही क्यूं रहा , इतिहास मे देखें तो जितने कत्लेआम धर्म के चक्कर मे हुये उतने तो शीरी फ़राद के मोहब्बत मे भी न हुये :) शायद हम धर्म या religion के बगैर भी शांति और सुखपूर्वक से रह सकते हैं अगर हम धर्म के वास्तविक चरित्र को पहचान लें ।
आमीन !!!!
रजिया मिर्जा ने कल की ब्लाग पोस्ट मे बहुत ही खूब्सूरत अल्फ़ाजों  मे बयान किया है :

ओ इन्सान को बाँटनेवालो, क़ुदरत को तो बाँट के देख़ो।
ओ भगवान को बाँटनेवालो, क़ुदरत को तो बाँट के देख़ो।
कोइ कहे रंग लाल है मेरा, कोइ कहे हरियाला मेरा।
रंग से ज़ुदा हुए तुम कैसे ओ रंगों को बाँटनेवालो? ओ इन्सान को....
आसमाँन की लाली बाँटो, पत्तों की हरियाली बाँटो,
रंग सुनहरा सुरज का और चंदा का रुपहरी बाँटो।
मेघधनुष के सात रंग को बाँट सको तो बाँट के देखो। ओ इन्सान को....
आँधी आइ धूल उठी जब, उससे पूछ लिया जो मैने।
कौन देश क्या धर्म तुम्हारा, वो बोली मेरा जग सारा।
मुज़को हवा ले जाये जीधर भी में उस रूख़ पे उडके जाउं।
ना कोइ मज़हब टोके मुज़को, ना कोइ सीमा रोके मुज़को।
मिट्टी के इस बोल को बाँटो ओ सरहद को बाँटनेवालो... ओ इन्सान को....
नदिया अपने सूर में बहती, गाती और इठ्लाती चलदी।
मैने पूछा उस नदिया से कौन देश है चली किधर तू?
हसती गाती नदिया बोली, राह मिले मैं बहती जाउँ।
ना कोइ मज़हब टोके मुज़को, ना कोइ सीमा रोके मुज़को।
नदिया के पानी को बाँटो, ओ मज़हब को बाँटनेवालो। ओ इन्सान को....
फ़ुल ख़िला था इस धरती पर, महेक चली जो हवा के रुख़ पर।
मैने पूछा उस ख़ुश्बु से चली कहाँ खुश्बु फ़ैलाकर।
ख़ुश्बु बोली कर्म है मेरा, दुनिया में ख़ुशबु फ़ैलाना।
ना कोइ मज़हब टोके मुज़को, ना कोइ सीमा रोके मुज़को।
फ़ुलों की ख़ुश्बु को बाँटो, ओ गुलशन को बाँटनेवालो। ओ इन्सान को....
उडते पँछी से जो मैने पूछ लिया जो एक सवाल।
कौन देश क्या धर्म तुम्हारा, हँस के वो ऐसे गया टाल!
पँछी बोला सारी धरती, हमको तो लगती है अच्छी।
ना कोइ मज़हब टोके मुज़को, ना कोइ सीमा रोके मुज़को।
आसमाँन को बाँट के देख़ो, उँचनीच को बाँटनेवालो। ओ इन्सान को....
~Hemanth~ said…
Erm...can't help but think of George Carlin while reading some of the above posts.

"Millions of dead motherfuckers, all because they gave the wrong answer to the god question. Do you believe in God? No. Boom! Dead. Do you believe in God? Yes. Do you believe in my God? No. Boom! Dead. My god has a bigger dick than your god! " ~George Carlin

Might look a little out of the topic, but bear with will be able to realise the truth, if you let the initial abrasiveness of the quote pass away.
Anonymous said…
Any form of discrimination based on religion, region, caste or sex should be a punishable offence. This should be upheld as some sort of a sacred law, not to be misinterpreted or messed around, in a country like ours whose biggest strength is the diversity before it’s too late...The electoral must ban parties with religious affiliations. Religion is a matter of an individual’s personal choice and freedom and not let to be played into the hands of power hungry politicians
I really like and agree with Anonymous above.
Pinku said…
Dr Tandon, thanks for sharing that verse. it was lovely.

Hemanth...u will make a Clarin fan.

Anonymous....what you say is so true.Dont think I can add anything to it.

IHM...i knew u would :)

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