Me the Day

The rays of the sun penetrate the darkness of night and I am born. I am Usha the new day. A smile lights up the world as I descend for I am hope, ambition and the promise of a new day.

Today I woke up in a pleasant mood so I am feeling playful and naughty and I decide to take a few fleecy white clouds with me to adorn the morning sky.

We play around the sun, running around him and puzzling him so much that every few minutes he would forget to shine and the people on earth look up at us and smile.

I have asked wind to also blow softly so that the maiden’s hair can get ruffled and she stops to tie it back, that’s when she notices that young man who has been following her like a puppy for the past fifteen days not daring to come close, unable to go away also.

Its aaprahan and I get tired of running around and the sun too grows hotter, the old man walking down the street wipes his brow and mutters ‘wish it would rain’. I decide to grant his wish and lo and behold the wind intensifies and the dark clouds come rushing covering the sky, the sun and making the birds panic and fly back to earth looking for shade and safety.

Soon small drops start falling and the woman rushes to her backyard to collect the drying clothes while the children yell in joy. The drops grow bigger and one and all stop work to see the rain fall on earth and feel the renewal that rain brings.
A hot cup of coffee, a few memories later the rain lowers in intensity and the children rush out of home with their paper boats ready for a boat race. The older people get back to their interrupted work reliving their own childhoods at the sight of the children.

As I tire, Sandhya my darker side comes to the fore, she is enchanting in her own way and after the activities of the day she helps people unwind. The atmosphere is suffused with the sounds of the sitar as the artist enraptured by her beauty can’t help praising it in the language of music.

Gracefully Sandhya retires, leaving behind Ratri who puts everyone to sleep except the lonely lovers. She in her own way is playful too and enjoys tormenting those poor souls who burn with desire in the cool night air.
A beautiful tag created by Thoughtsafari and Mampi tagged me on it. Must say its one of the best tags I have ever come across though my attempt may not be one of the best. The idea is to describe the day you would love to be given a chance.

I love the hindi names for the various phases of the day, they sound so romantic so have included those too.

If you feel like it please take this up and let me know, am not holding anyone to doing it but will love it if all of you attempt it.


Mampi said…
Yes, yes, yes, your effort is wonderful and I simply loved the unique way you did it.
Beautifully done! And covered a day just like today...lovely :)
Love the pictures that went with it too.
Nice one! well crafted to blend into each other. even the photographs are perfect.
Hemanth Potluri said…
awesome...write up...:)...

Pinku said…
Dear Mampi,

I have almost started to expect that the first comment will always be yours... :)

Thanks for appreciating my poor effort, you are indeed a very supportive teacher. ;)

galadriel, IHM and Sailor....thanks for the appreciation... feels good
Pinku said…
hey Hemanth,

why dont u take it up too?

would like to know what guy would think like.
~Hemanth~ said…
Done, check out my blog for the post.

Trevor Penn said…
Are the photographs your own? The exposure on the "Sandhya" pic is dead on... the colors are vibrant and hey, it's also got a couple of BIFs.
Pinku said…
hemanth will do immediately.

Trevor tempted to say mine...but sadly the pictures are just some I found on the net and thought looked well with the post.
Maybe I should also put a disclaimer in the post itself.
Oreen said…
ah, am yet to do mine... although bhenji is gonna strangle me if i don't soon...
this is beautiful... and i just discovered that you have another blog. lots to read. :-)

i guess we shd thank ppl for all the free stuff we get to read, don't u think? penguin or harper collins would have charged a lot for even a fraction of what we have here...
~Hemanth~ said…
Thanks for checking the post out and for your comments as well.
Keshi said…
now thats a really CLEVER and BEAUTIUL post Pinku!

Loved the names too...sooo pretty!

oh thats a lovely post. very evocative, very gentle.
Titaxy said…
Hey, this is an amazing post. Such a beautiful way of describing a day - great work!...
Pinku said…
hey keshi, thanks yaar....why dont u pick up the tag as well, am sure u will write a lovely piece as well.

Hey Cynic...thanks girl...

V....S....thanks and welcome to my enchanted world.keep visiting!!!
Keshi said…
neat idea Pinku...tnxx! lets see how I go :)

Pinku said…
Hey Oreen,

I almost missed replying to you...welcome to my enchanted world...and u are so right the blogs do give us an awesome lot to read and also to perhaps understand diverse cultures and traditions and even view points. hope you will keep visiting.

and yes do your tag soon I will be visiting to read.
Manish Raj said…
*Early Morning - Dawn/ Usha Kaal
Hi Pinku

Here is my guess:

*Morning - Prabhat/ Pratah Kaal

*EarlyDay- Poorvahan / Madhya Kaal

*Midday - Madyahan / Madhya Kaal

*Afternoon - Aprahan / Madhya Kaal

*Evening - Sandhya / Saayah Kaal

*Night - Ratri / Nisha Kaal

This blog is beautifully written.

EXSENO said…
I was wondering what language that was for the different times of the day.

That was lovely and the pictures that went with it were perfect.
Very nice indeed.
Pinku said…
Thanks Manish for visiting and liking my enchanted keep coming. and also thanks for the other names that u have so kindly listed out.

Exseno - the language is Hindi, national language of India. Though we have many others too. 18 official ones at last count. We are a country of diversities and its said that at every 4 miles the dialect changes. :)

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