The Rain Cloud
The dark cloud has covered the sky and the world in gloom. It will either fall like copious drops or the winds of fair weather would blow it away.
Which shall it be?
The cloud looks full. About to burst.
The drops almost straining against their own gravity that keeps them together.
Why does not the cloud then just burst out in torrents? Why this need to hold itself in control even at the brink of letting go?
What stops it from coming down in torrents and washing away all that has been? Enrich the field for new things to come?
The wind hovers in the periphery, willing, capable of blowing away, dispersing as it were and yet, it too hesitates, as if mesmerized by the turmoil.
It too wants to see the outcome of the struggle within the cloud breast between self-preservation and annihilation?
Oh! Which shall it be!