Love = Expectation

You are a girl and you are expected to .........

You are a student and you are expected to......

You are a mother, wife, sister, friend and you are forever expected to follow and live up to some preconceived notions that others have about you. As long as you follow you are good, the day you even shrug at the weight you are given quizzical looks.

How can it even bother you?

This stifling, expecting, dictating thing which threatens to suffocate you is after all LOVE. Love that everyone feels for you. A love which allows them to nonchalantly expect nay demand the greatest sacrifice from you for don't they LOVE you in return for that?

I dont understand this Octopus love which feels satiated only after it has wrenched out every ounce of my independent spirit, of my capacity to love. Infact I suspect it doesnt want my love in return. It just wants my obedience, my obeisance, my unquestioned loyalty.

I am sick of this kind of love. I beg your pardon but I would rather be loveless than be strangled.

Where is the love which was supposed to be all about understanding, about freedom, about truth, honesty and all those ideals that mankind holds most dear?

Love ought to make one feel superbly capable. Love must give the faith and belief that anything is possible if only you try and even if you do fail love should be able to bolster your faith in your own abilities, in the inherent goodness of the world.

Love should ask for only one thing in return, the right to love.


Seventh Scorpio said…
I find your words to be true. Love is such an elusive thing. We use the word entirely too easily. I once said that I would only believe actions, and not words, in order to sterilize it's meaning. Yet I only longed to hear, "I love You".
Anonymous said…
ah, has bcum so demanding...

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