The Adventure continues...
Remember the village scene from Sholay when the dacoits are about to come a lively village turns into a deserted one? That’s the feeling we got once we stepped of the bus. Hardly anyone on the streets, most shops closed, nay padlocked except for a few solitary ones that looked ready to pull the shutter any moment.It was a strange sight especially since all the other settlements we had crossed on the way had a lively bustle. Infact at a few the bus passengers had been made targets of water balloons to the complete glee of the children. We walked up to one of the shopkeepers and asked him what was up and more importantly what could we do about accommodation since unlike the main road in most other hill stations this didn’t seem to have any hotels. The man explained that the town shuts down for two days for holi and that’s what we were witnessing. We were taken aback, holidays in schools and offices was one thing but the entire town shutting shop for Holi that seemed something very uniqu...