
Saale Bihari!!!

Kislay wrote about the plight of Biharis. No not of the ones who are illiterate, living in villages or in scores of slums in the cities and towns or even dying in floods. He was talking about the average middle class Bihari or even the upper class privileged one who is forever taunted and haunted by the badge of being of all things ignoble, a Bihari. Most of us when asked where we are from mention the names of our states like Bengal, Punjab, Karnataka or Rajasthan – those who belong to Bihar try to skirt the issue by saying the name of their city or preferably their caste or subcaste. When the state was divided my cousins who had lived all their growing years in Bihar were pleased, not because they had any political motives but because now they would be able to escape the Bihari tag by saying they belong to Jharkhand. Why is one state in the country subjected to so much ridicule? Biharis I am told are cowards, ignorant, uncouth and they speak a language that’s just so ghatti. When I w

Mourning the lost days...

Young boys in their early twenties, they came from regular middle class families. Like thousand others they were in the capital city looking for a better education which could lead to a brighter future. They were shot down or arrested one morning, the reason: They were the terrorists who worked under the banner of Indian Mujaheedin. I am not debating whether it was a fake encounter set up by the Police to save face or not. I am also not debating whether they were targeted because of their religion. What I am wondering about is this: How come people who come from regular families, have a decent upbringing and education are turning to such hard line stances? And mind you I am not looking at just one community. I am looking at everyone, minority, majority and across language and state barriers. When we were in school, someone being a Christian meant that you visited them during Christmas , said ‘Merry christmas’ and had the yummy cakes. And during Ramzaan you asked your Muslim friends ev

My God’s Strongest

My relation with my God is special. God is a friend, philosopher, and guide to me. At times also a fellow prankster. I call him by many names and at times that I am really feeling good I even think of Him as Her. God to me is omnipresent, omnipotent and yes God looks after me and its not the other way round. Yes He does expect me to help my fellow beings but mind you my God is strong infact he is the strongest and he doesn’t need me, I need him. The names I call him depend on what it is that I seek from him. When I need hope I call him Jesus . When its patience I seek I call him Shiva . When very tired and looking for more stamina I call him Allah (say the word out loud without any preconceived notions and feel what I mean). When its strength I seek I call him Wahe Guru and when I wonder about his inconceivable powers I think of him as Yahweh (the unknowable). When knowledge is what I look for I think of him as the Buddha . So you see my God has many names and he stays true to each

What Did We Do?

The fire within has simmered down what was once a raging blaze now barely shows embers what did you do? Your fingers try to stoke it up as I look on helplessly dismay fills my heart as the flames refuse to leap up again This has never happened before you have always been able to light the fire with the simplest flick of a wrist what has changed then? I know what this points to and I am afraid to look that way I am afraid of a cold bleak future bound in chains of formalities One small whiff of not so pure air and the flames refuse to stir I urge it to, I pray for it to but it does not budge What did you do? What did I do?

Me the Day

The rays of the sun penetrate the darkness of night and I am born. I am Usha the new day. A smile lights up the world as I descend for I am hope, ambition and the promise of a new day. Today I woke up in a pleasant mood so I am feeling playful and naughty and I decide to take a few fleecy white clouds with me to adorn the morning sky. We play around the sun, running around him and puzzling him so much that every few minutes he would forget to shine and the people on earth look up at us and smile. I have asked wind to also blow softly so that the maiden’s hair can get ruffled and she stops to tie it back, that’s when she notices that young man who has been following her like a puppy for the past fifteen days not daring to come close, unable to go away also. Its aaprahan and I get tired of running around and the sun too grows hotter, the old man walking down the street wipes his brow and mutters ‘wish it would rain’. I decide to grant his wish and lo and behold the wind intensifies a

Its Raining

Hey! Its raining awards!! I got one and while I was learning how to hold my grin appropriately so that people didnt think I am demented. Here comes another. This time from Keshi . (Really like this pic of hers so couldn't resist putting it up to. Keshi hope u dont mind) As is pretty apparent the award is for being honest on your blog . Now honesty is not something we get rewarded for too often in real life so an award for the same even if it be only on blogland does seem very nice and is much appreciated. Thanks Keshi, we dont always agree on our world views but the fact that we can hear each other out and give each other the space to have our own opinions shows that we are mature individuals who can value a relationship without expecting the other to tow the line in the name of friendship. And now there is another Brillante award from Phatichar....I tell u its raining awards!!!

My attempt at an acceptance speech

Background: Have been conferred the Brilliante Award 2008 by Mampi . She has given it to me “ For bringing out the innermost turmoils of human soul, for offering a myriad view of all that she witnesses around her ”. So I am sitting at my desk, gloating over this award and wondering what the best things to say are. Ok here goes: “Mampi thank you very much for this award, since it my first ever on blogsville it truly feels awesome. When you say I bring out the ‘innermost turmoil of human soul’ I am a little dumbfounded cause such a huge exercise I had never attempted or even thought of attempting. Whatever I have written on the blog are thoughts and feelings that have touched me. If they are able to showcase something larger it can only mean that finally under the diversities of colour, creed, region, language, gender, religion and world views all human beings are essentially the same.” ( I am leaving out the part about thanking friends, family, colleague and most importantly enemies fo